Zoo Day!


Today Jocelyn and I headed to the zoo with our good friends Ginny and Lydia!  It was so much fun even though it was so hot!  We had fun seeing the elephants, sea lions, monkeys, lions, zebras, and tropical wildlife!
Lydia and Jocelyn



The girls checkin' out the fish

Ginny and Lydia

Lunch time!

Afternoon at the Park


This afternoon because it wasn't too hot, Jim and I decided it would be fun to take the dogs and the baby for a trip to the park!  We just walked the three blocks up the street and there we were!   While Jim played and exercised the dogs, Jocelyn and I headed tot he playground to swing and go down the slide!  She didn't mind the slide, but definitley didn't like being in the swing without me!  Maybe next time she'll like it better!  =0)

Let's go!

Jocelyn doesn't like the grass =0\



Jocelyn doesn't like the swing =0\

10 Months Old!


Wow!  In 2 months Jocelyn will be turning 1 year old!  She is by far the most beautiful and happy baby that I've ever met and we love her to pieces!  We are amazed at how fast she seems to be growing and how it seems she soak up knowledge like a sponge overnight!  She currently has 3 little baby teeth on the bottom that you can she when she looks at you with her gorgesous, heart-breaking smile!  When her hair isn't up in piggy-tails or in a Pebbles-style pony-tail, her longest bangs reach her chin!  Her hair in the back in the sides is getting longer too, and soon she will need her 1st haircut, but for now I'm just not ready for that yet!  =0)

Over the past month we've purchased a new toy for her, a walker!  She LOVES her walker and is a champ at chasing running forwards, scooting backwards, going sideways, turning around, and chasing/herding the dogs around the house!  She also loves to pull her self up to the couch and use either Mom or Dad as a step ladder to climb up onto the couch!  I've also recently find out that she thinks it hilarious to pull my hair and will pull my hair on purpose to get me to say ouch!  =0)  She also thinks its funny to get into things that she knows she's not supposed to, such as splashing the dog water and pulling down the speakers next to the tv.  Gotta love her though!

It's been such a great month, and although I know next month will come and go just as fast, I can't wait to find out what Jocelyn's 11th month will bring!

Gonna getcha Mom!

At Grams and Gramps' house

Chasing the Kota and Willie

Playing with Dad in her tent

Kota Kisses


Tonight Kota and Willie were out of their kennel and Jocelyn was playing.  Once we took the gate away she crawled right up to Kota and Kota greeted her with lots of Kota kisses!

Jocelyn's New Walker


After spending the morning at Ginny and Lydia's house for a fun baby music playdate, Jocelyn and I headed over to Once Upon a Child and picked her up a new walker for only $6!  She can't pull herself up on it yet, but once you stand her up, she can walk several steps before she decides she's bored and sits down! =0)

Where's Jocelyn?


Today Jocelyn and I had fun playing one of her favorite games... Peek-A-Boo!