We went to Jocelyn's four month follow-up appointment today! It was by far the longest doctor's appointment we have ever been to with her! Her appointment was at 2:15, but we arrived at about 2:05. After sitting out front waiting for 30 min, we were called back and taken to a room where all of Jocelyn's measurements were taken. We are proud to say that she weighs a 13lbs 1oz (50th percentile), is measuring long with a 24 1/2 inches length (90th percentile), and a has a little head with a circumference of 15 1/4 inches (10th percentile)! Grow baby grow! After the measurements were done, the nurse left and we waited another 40 minutes before the nurse came back and said that our doctor was running late and asked if we wanted to see one of the other doctors. Of course we said yes!
Anyway, she seemed very pleased with how Jocelyn looks and her development. The only thing that she did point out is that Jocelyn has labial adhesions. Without getting too graphic, it basically means that she is stuck together and currently has no vaginal opening. Apparently it is common and can happen on and off through childhood, up to age 6. In majority of cases, it "heals" on its own. She said the only way to help prevent it is to make sure to change her diaper often and to even try putting vasaline or aquafor on the area. Although doc didn't seem the least bit worried, she did say that it is something that will be monitored just to be safe! Jocelyn also had her four month vaccinations and did great! She cried like crazy, but once I was able to hold her, her tears started to dry. Poor little girl!
Our "homework" to work on is keep giving her tummy time and help her start rolling over, both back to tummy and tummy to back, and to try to start getting her to reach out and grasp items by playing with a rattle infront of her, etc. We can also start giving her rice cereal once a day! Doc reccommended doing this at night to help make her fuller so she will sleep longer before waking up the first time. Next appointment is in two months when she is 6 months old!
My Little Chef
11 years ago