4 Month Check Up


We went to Jocelyn's four month follow-up appointment today!  It was by far the longest doctor's appointment we have ever been to with her!  Her appointment was at 2:15, but we arrived at about 2:05.  After sitting out front waiting for 30 min, we were called back and taken to a room where all of Jocelyn's measurements were taken.  We are proud to say that she weighs a 13lbs 1oz (50th percentile), is measuring long with a 24 1/2 inches length (90th percentile), and a has a little head with a circumference of 15 1/4 inches (10th percentile)!  Grow baby grow!  After the measurements were done, the nurse left and we waited another 40 minutes before the nurse came back and said that our doctor was running late and asked if we wanted to see one of the other doctors.  Of course we said yes! 

Anyway, she seemed very pleased with how Jocelyn looks and her development.  The only thing that she did point out is that Jocelyn has labial adhesions.  Without getting too graphic, it basically means that she is stuck together and currently has no vaginal opening.  Apparently it is common and can happen on and off through childhood, up to age 6.  In majority of cases, it "heals" on its own.  She said the only way to help prevent it is to make sure to change her diaper often and to even try putting vasaline or aquafor on the area.  Although doc didn't seem the least bit worried, she did say that it is something that will be monitored just to be safe!  Jocelyn also had her four month vaccinations and did great!  She cried like crazy, but once I was able to hold her, her tears started to dry.  Poor little girl!

Our "homework" to work on is keep giving her tummy time and help her start rolling over, both back to tummy and tummy to back, and to try to start getting her to reach out and grasp items by playing with a rattle infront of her, etc.  We can also start giving her rice cereal once a day!  Doc reccommended doing this at night to help make her fuller so she will sleep longer before waking up the first time.  Next appointment is in two months when she is 6 months old!

Four Months Old!


I can hardly beleive that my beautiful little baby is already 4 months old!  Wow does time fly, but I have to say that so far this has been the greatest time watch her develop and grow!  Not only does she smile alot more, but she is laughing alot more too!  I love it!  And athough she has been standing for a month or so already, with assistance of course, it is still something she loves to do!  Other things she loves are sucking on her hands, watching tv, looking at the Christmas tree, looking in the mirror, and looking at pictures of herself!  We love her so much!  Here are some pictures of her over the last month that haven't already been posted!

Snack time with Dad!

Watchin' tv in my swing

What's up Mom?

Warm blankie!

Santa Baby!


We figured our time was running out, so today we headed down to the mall to get Jocelyn's picture taken with Santa!  Silly me forgot to check the schedule before we left though.  We got there at about 1:30 to not only find a long line, but also to find that Santa went on lunch at 2 and will reopen at 3.  So basically there was no point in waiting in line, so we wasted time by walking around the mall and stopping for a pretzel snack.  We made sure we were back by 2:40, but there was still a line.  Luckily is wasn't nearly as long as it was before though, but sadly Santa didn't show up until 3:20, so we did alot of waiting!  When we finally gt Jocelyn on Santa's lap, she was so fascinated with the white fur on his coat that she wouldn't look up at the camera!  Silly girl!  Either way she still looked super cute sitting with Santa!  Three things that we learned for next year are: 1 - We will go earlier in the month when the wait won't be so long. 2 -We will check the schedule before we go. 3 - We can take our own camera to take pictures so we don't have to pay anything!  For our 2009 family holiday photos, please visit our family blog!

Please Pass the Chew...


Crazy baby doesn't like her pacifier, but she definitley likes her high chair and "chew toy"!  Thank you for the gift Grandma Tammy!

Laundry Baby


Laundry is so much more fun when you have help!

Girly Giggle Time!


Today Jocelyn and I had girl time full of giggles!  I love it when my little girl smiles and giggles at me!  It just makes my heart melt!  There is nothing more precious!

Trip to Wray!

Today we decided to take a trip to Wray, Co to visit Jocelyn's one and only great-great grandma! Grandma and Uncle Curtis decided they wanted to come too! Grandma Netti Mae was so excited to meet Jocelyn for the first time, and I was very happy that Jocelyn loved her too! It has been so long since we have seen Grandma Netti Mae and although it was so much fun to see her agin, it was very sad when we had to leave. We can't wait to see Great-Great-Grandma Netti Mae again soon!

Snuggling with Grandma Netti Mae

Eating lunch with Grandma Netti Mae

Jocelyn with Uncle Curtis at Grandma Netti Mae's

Daddy and Jocelyn at Grandma Netti Mae's

Mini Secret Santa!


So this year for Christmas on Jim's side of the family we decided to not only play Secret Santa with the adults, but we also decided to play "Mini" Secret Santa with the kiddos!  Jocelyn had no idea what was going on, but it was alot of fun!  And how weird is it that not only did she draw Zana as her elf, but Noah was her Secret Santa!  Thank you for her book Noah!  Jocelyn loves it!

Opening Jocelyn's 1st Christmas present
from her Secret Santa.... Noah!

Yay!  It's a noise maker book!

Thank you Noah!

Lots of Turkey and Cousins!

11/23/09 - 11/28/09

While we were in Utah for Thanksgiving, Jocelyn was able to meet he youngest cousin Eli and spend time with all the rest of her cousins!  Zana (9), Noah (5), Ewan (2), Lincoln (1), Tristan (5months), and Eli (1month)!  Jocelyn is definitley the Princess amoung the little ones, which is perfectly fine with me!  I don't think she really understood there there were other little ones around her while we were there, but I figure at least I didn't have to worry about her not getting along with anyone!  =0) All in all I think she had a great time in Utah, especially when her and Dad won the turkey coloring contest!  I am so proud of the both of you!

Jocelyn and cousin Noah

Ewan + Zana + Noah + Jocelyn =
The Colorado Kiddos!

Tristan (top), Eli (left), and Jocelyn

Eli and Jocelyn, the 2 youngest of the cousins!

Dad, Jocelyn, and
the winning coloring contest page!

(To hear more about our trip to Utah for Thanksgiving, please visit our family blog!)